Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can You Keep a Secret?

Secret lovers, yes, that's what we are...thank you, Atlantic Star, but if your relationship needs to be kept a secret, you might as well not even bother. Now if this is the set up and both parties are okay with it, my best to you. My friend Natalie is supposedly dating an up and coming actor who must remain anonymous to protect his budding career (whatever). Now I say supposedly because Mr. Actor told her upfront that their affair had to be kept under wraps because part of his appeal was his sex symbol status (he's okay looking, but I definitely think the arrogance kills it). Natalie went along with it because he was definitely "the one" and had the stroke of a well oiled...machine. Six months passed and Natalie was still a secret. Now, what wasn't a secret was Mr. Actor who was working on a new hbo series that was getting picked up. Mr. Actor needed a date for the premiere and while Natalie got ready for her red carpet debut, Mr. Actor's publicist set him up with a Megan Fox look alike that was starring in Saw 45. Natalie was crushed-not because she wasn't going, but because Mr. Actor made no fuss about having her there. My opinion was that he should no longer be cast in her production. Why bother with someone who is happy to hide out with you in your living room, but runs for cover when it counts-in public. I'd think any man would want to scream it from the rooftops if he were dating me and you should feel the same. If not, than quite frankly, he shouldn't waste his time or breath, because I guarantee I won't. If he can't define who you are that means he doesn't care to and that, in itself, is exactly what he thinks of you. I don't hide behind the curtain like the Wizard of Oz, I'm Glinda: appearing in a glass bubble centerstage for all to see. And if you know anything about me, you know that's no secret.

That bitch stole my line,

xoxo Blackie Collins

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